Monday, October 8, 2012

One of These Things Is Not Like the Other…

“One of these things just doesn’t belong. (Sing Along Time!) Can you tell which thing is not like the other by the time I finish this song?”

Ok, I’ll admit it. Growing up, I was obsessed with Sesame Street (perhaps you were, too!). In order to fuel my obsession, my parents recorded endless episodes on VCR tapes (do people still even know what these are?), which I watched over and over and over again. By the time I was three, I overcame this obsession, only to replace it with any and all things Disney.

The characters, even though now I know they aren’t real, were like members of my family. I loved them each for their idiosyncrasies, and even today, when I see them, I get that warm, fuzzy feeling in my heart (no pun intended).

So by now, you’re probably wondering what any of this has to do with the title of my blog entry. I frequently find myself in Times Square surrounded by a plethora of Disney and Sesame Street imposters. Most of them are harmless individuals just trying to make money (except for Nasty Elmo, who fortunately has been banished). My goal is not to pontificate on their “unauthorized representation” of Disney and Sesame Street, but instead to point out how their existence destroys my inner psyche. These imposters’ costumes are blatantly poor representations of the characters that I hold near and dear.
These are just so bad that I refuse to comment.

The real deal!

The two in the middle were obviously unhappy that I didn't pay to take their picture.
I try to rationalize that they provide happiness and excitement for young children who cannot differentiate between the real characters and the fake ones. Additionally, I feel that perhaps they fill a void for those who cannot afford or have no desire to visit them in Disney World or Sesame Place. But for me, it really doesn’t matter. Whatever logic I attempt to use to justify their existence just proves to be futile. Each time I come across an imposter, I feel betrayed, but for the most part, just sad.

This blog post was brought to you by the letters F, A, K & E.    

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